How can clients get the best out of creative people?

Posted: 30th August 2018

A new book has recently been published by a US-based graphic designer, Bonnie Siegler – Dear Client: This Book Will Teach You How to Get What You Want From Creative People. She looks to demystify the design process for clients and teach them how to communicate and work with creative people effectively.

‘There are many books, resources and articles available to help designers work with potential clients. How to do a compelling pitch; how to negotiate a fair fee; how to put together easy-to-understand brand guidelines. But doesn’t the client have some work to do as well?

‘Unexpectedly, it was Oprah Winfrey who inspired Siegler to write her new book on clients. The designer was previously hired to design the talk show host’s new book. Expecting the celebrity to be a relentless perfectionist, sending back reams of corrections on first drafts, Siegler and her team were surprised to find that Winfrey allowed a “dialogue” between the two parties to develop that involved asking questions and raising concerns alongside positive feedback, rather than engaging in a one-sided monologue telling them what to do.

‘Siegler’s new book is a lesson that aims to encourage every potential client to adopt this democratic approach – not to demand with little justification, but to understand designers’ expertise and reasoning and come to a logical conclusion and compromise.

‘While designer-client relationships will often be wrought with difficulties, power struggles and bureaucracy – not to mention last minute tweaks to final designs – there are ways to make that relationship more bearable, according to Siegler’s new book – and perhaps even enjoyable.’ (S. Dawood, Creative Review, 2018)

We couldn’t agree more. It is our philosophy that us and the client are a team that holds a two-way relationship. There should be a mutual understanding between both parties where expectations are known at all times. The better that one side understands the other side, the creative process flows more seamlessly, making a happier working partnership. Then throw in a cute Jack Russell, a fresh brew and some biscuits and we have the perfect potion for happy clients and creatives! Feel free to read more about our creative process here.


What do artisan’s team members say?

Jasmine Blacklock, Production Assistant

Brain dump all your thoughts, ideas and opinions on us. We will interpret them and bring them to life!’


Gemma Trippett, PR & Marketing Executive

‘Stating clear and firm deadlines gives our team a timeline to work to. This enables us to effectively plan our workload and prioritise all jobs at hand.’


Mark Butler, Artworker/IT Systems

‘If it’s a logo, then I want a VECTOR file. No excuses!’


Annie Nurse, Managing Director

‘Struggling to write that creative brief? Don’t struggle alone.’


Create your brief on site with artisan. We really enjoy it when our clients come in and work with us to define a brief and talk through the challenges and objectives they have. Spend a day, an hour or an evening with the Creative and Account Management team at artisan to bounce ideas around.

Don’t sit pulling your hair out at your desk. Join us for an energy-packed session with the area’s leading Creative Marketing professionals.

One more thing! These creative sessions are FREE.

Give us a shout and get booked in for this valuable workshop.

Be honest!

We are tougher than we look. After over 20 years in the business, we want to hear true and honest feedback, even if it isn’t the best news we have had all week. To be honest, I can say this because our clients’ normal reaction to our creative is more ‘Wow!’ rather than ‘No’. But sometimes we don’t quite hit the mark, so tell us straight and we will to get it right quickly and without any fuss.

Don’t leave us in the dark or accept anything that doesn’t ‘Wow!’ you from us or any agency for that matter.

Time to move on!

When you can second guess what the creative will look like before your agency presents to you, it’s time to change agency. Every project needs to surprise, delight and make your day. Make ours. Give us a shout on 01780 484450 or email me at’